Friday, 12 August 2016

The Concept

The idea behind this campaign is to do an Epic6 Pathfinder game completely solo, using Mythic Game Master Emulator with Mythic Variations. I'll be using Fantasy Grounds to actually play the game, run the encounters, and keep things straight in the campaign.

I'll develop my own world for the game to take place in, but I'll be using elements of both Forgotten Realms and Golarion for the world concepts. World generation will be done using Mythic as the characters explore combined with a fractal map. One can use Mythic for everything, but I like to have some consistent geography.

I'll be using Pathfinder as the base game. Mainly because it's the system I'm most familiar with, because I have all the content I need for Fantasy Ground (FG), and because it best supports an E6 game (E6 was developed explicitly to address the exponential power creep in 3e). I'll be making some use of the "Abridged P6 Codex" for advancement. I also wouldn't mind doing a lower fantasy game, where magic items and such don't matter quite as much and where orcs and other "traditional" bad guys like bandits remain a threat.

For city and town generation I'll be relying on Cityographer. It creates decent enough maps (maybe sometimes requiring a bit of editing) with appropriate lists for taverns and inns and shops and the like.

For actual battle maps I'll be making use of my own collection and whatever I can find around the web that suits whatever purpose I happen to need at the time. I’m planning on having one “main” PC that will be “me” in the campaign, and possibly one or two other PCs. We’ll see what happens with my adventures. For enemy tactics in encounters I’m going to try and play them logically, and I’ll use the Fate Chart to decide things when required.

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